Wednesday 5 August 2015

So much to catch you up on!

So as you all may know I haven't been very active lately and I apologise for that. Since we last spoke I've had a few major events to attend, stopping me from posting. Will update you all very soon.

All the love
Al x

My fan twitter has changed its url.
Its now @C_liffxrd
so go give it a follow

Friday 29 May 2015


Everyday new music is released... This months buzz is all about Taylor Swifts 'Bad Blood' music video because of its amazing cast including Super model Cara Delevigne, Selena Gomez, Jessica Alba, Ellie Goulding, GiGi Hadid, and Cindy Crawford as well as many others. However this girl power film isn't all cracked up to be. The only thing good about it is the cast. I personally don't even enjoy the song itself?! Sorry swifties but there are better music vids out there.

Another video building up excitement on the internet is BeyoncĂ© and Nicki Minaj. Our beloved Queen B has paired up with the queen of rap once again to created the outstanding music video to B's 'Feelin' Myself'. As if the 'Flawless' collab wasn't enough! The pair once again break the internet by posing together for the video. Even with all Taylor's hard work and CGI in the music videos, she's put to the side by the monarchy of music.

However my recent favourite is a radio one's big weekend performance by the one and only Ben Howard. His beautiful new song ' I forget where we were' was performed at Norwich to the massive festival crowd. His new album is out soon and is so beautifully written. Ben Howard is definitely one to watch this year.

Days till ROWYSO: 15 DAYS!!!!

All the love
Al xx

Tuesday 19 May 2015


I'm sure you've all heard of 5sos' tour?!

Well if you're attending the ROWYSO June 13th show at Wembley SSE arena in London and want to get involved in the fan project of the evening then just get in touch! Me and my friends would really like this plan to work and have already gotten so many people involved.

We're planning to have everyone hold a sign up during the songs 'She Looks So Perfect' and 'Amnesia' (of course!).
The sign for SLSP will have an arrow heart, because of the lyrics 'I've got your name tattooed in an arrow heart', with the letters C.A.L.M for each of the boys initials: Calum, Ashton, Luke and Michael.
The sign for Amnesia should be your favourite photograph of them, ideally a silly selfie of some sort, especially during the lyrics 'the pictures that you sent me they're still living in my phone'.

We thought this would be a lovely idea and it would connect all the fans with the boys.

Please don't be afraid to go to our twitter page and drop us a little message! All the girls are as lovely as anything!!

Project twitter - @ROWYSOjune13
Personal twitters - @aliceemaii @The_vxmpss @irwxnftsugg @irwinsmistake @5sos_are_heaven @ThinkClifford @_saskiaorsi @lily_mills1 @narrysxcalum @2711shm @5s0s_penguins_ @rippedkneejeans @eleanorxgroves

GET TWEETING!! Don't be afraid to message us and we will always reply! Get involved!!!!

All the love
Al xx


Good luck to all those in exam season...

Just wanted to say a massive good luck to all my readers and friends out there doing their GCSE's. I am only year 10 so haven't started mine officially but have done coursework and a few proper exams towards mine. I have a dance exam on the 22nd of June that will be 20% of my GCSE dance course. I'm very nervous for these as I'm sure you all feel the same now! Go into those exam halls and just do the best you possibly can! don't worry if it doesn't go too well as i'm sure they'll be another time that you'll be able to show your full potential. Well done to you all for making it this far. Remember, this is just the start of the rest of your life. I'd love to know what you all want to do for a living in the future and if you have any queries about courses as although I am only year 10, I fully know what I want to do in the future and which college and courses to take. Even if you're not sure which GCSE courses to take I am here to help.

Go in there with your head held high and remember to read the questions properly.

All the love
Al xx

Social Media:
Instagram - @alicemxi or @al_mxi
Twitter - @aliceemaii or @The_Vxmpss
Tumblr - itsabxndthing

Scorch Trials Trailer!!!

So today The Scorch Trials trailer was released and its safe to say everyone will want to watch it! It by far looks miles better than the first film and that's very hard to beat as it was at such high quality. I really enjoyed watching The Maze Runner and really would recommend seeing it or reading it if you haven't already. I'm trying to complete the trilogy before Scorch Trials come to cinema. I will be going to see it on its opening night. I just cannot wait to see it. plus *SPOILER ALERT* there does include a scene of a certain Mr O'Brien showering!! (if you were wondering what time to fangirl now would be perfect). It really is a brilliant series and is one of my favourites at this moment in time. The books are very hard to put down once you start reading so unless you have amazing will power then don't start reading until you've got plenty of time to spare.
Really hope you enjoy it as much as I did the first one

All the love
Al x

Thursday 7 May 2015


Sorry everyone ( if anyone actually reads this blog) but I will be slightly inactive in the next few weeks as i'm really busy with my GCSE's and revision at the moment. I've got so much revision to do its gross. My first exam is on Monday coming! Its for health and social care and because i'm only a BTEC in h&s, its the only exam i'm going to have in the 2 years that I will do the course. The rest of the grade will be counted on course work so I've got to get a really good grade in this. I'm aiming for a distinction but at least a level 2 pass. Just got to keep revising! Anyway, I hope you all have a lovely few weeks and let me know if you need anything. remember to contact me on my social media websites.

Twitter - either @aliceemaii or @The_Vxmpss
Instagram - either @alicemxi or @al_mxi
Tumblr - itsabxndthing

lots of love
A x

I've been reading...

yes, I'm a book fan!

And recently I've heavily gotten back into reading now that my dance exams are over I finally have time to read! I've finished The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins and I loved it! I am a very big fan of all 3 films and thought I'd check the books out and I'm glad I did. They were so thrilling and once I started I could barely put it down. Although, SPOILER ALERT, I was grief stricken when my favourite character Finnick Odair died. I really loved his and Annie's story and what they did after the games. I cannot wait until the final film comes out into cinema. Mocking Jay part 2 will be out on the 20th of November. For all you 5sos fans, you will remember that date as Michael's birthday!;)
I 10/10 recommend the books, especially if you like series like Divergent and The Maze Runner.
I am currently reading the first of The Maze Runner series. I've seen the movie and really enjoyed it so am hoping to finish the rest of the series before the other films come out. Although time is not on my side as the second film 'The Scorch Trials' will be out in cinema on the 16th of September this year!
I'm really enjoying the book so far and recommend you to pick up the series too!

My next book purchase will be another of John Green's novels, Paper Towns and Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. Unbroken is the stories of the American world war 2 hero Louis Zamperini who died on July 2nd, 2014. He was an Olympic athlete in the Berlin Olympics until he enlisted to the army in 1941. His amazing story of being a war prisoner and a pilot is made into a movie directed and produced by Angelina Jolie. I strongly recommend the film and book if you can.

Any questions or queries about the books or movies don't hesitate to ask on any of my social media sites.
Thankyou for reading
A x

Sunday 3 May 2015

Sorry i've been inactive...

Just want to apologise..

I'm very sorry to those who actually read this blog although I doubt there's lots of you!:')

I just wanted to let you know why I've been so inactive.

Unfortunately my family has been hit with some very sad news. Our family pet of 12 years has gotten to ill to live comfterbly. Our dog Boomer was sadly put to sleep on the 10th of April 2015. He was a beautiful dog and my best friend. We grew up together. We got him as a rescue puppy when I was just 4 and he was only 2. I still miss him and think about him everyday. Not a day goes by without me hoping he can come back to us just for one more day. Although it was very upsetting to see, I was happy that my little puppy was in no more pain. He just wasn't happy anymore and for us to keep him alive was cruel to him. I will always miss my little pup even if he was a troublesome one. Always causing mayhem! I love him to Pluto and back x1000000.

Forever missing you my overgrown puppy
Rest in peace

Al xxxx

Boomer's memorial plant

Tuesday 10 March 2015

Traveling the world

One country at a time

About 2 weeks ago now I went to the lovely town of Ypres in Belgium. I loved it there! all the houses are so beautiful and I wouldn't mind living out there myself. All the people were so lovely and welcoming to us. We visited the world war I and II cemeteries and memorials and it was breath taking. Before going to Belgium I had visited the French cemeteries with my family. but never did I realise that there a so many?

Tyne cott cemetery.
Belgium is such a lovely country and I loved it there! It could quite possibly be one of my favourite places along with Bournemouth, Mersey side and Gibraltar. I'd really love to go back some day.
Canada's mother crying for her lost children.

A secret garden

I'm sorry I haven't been active recently. I've been really busy with my GCSE's and revision and dance at the moment. I doubt anybody reads this but I just wanted to apologise.

Wednesday 7 January 2015

My Favourite Christmas Gifts

So Christmas has come and gone quicker than you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'. I'm very grateful for everything I got this year and I'd just like to show you all a few of my favourites...they may not be very expensive but are very sentimental to me.

First there is my beautiful 'The Leather Satchel Company' bag. Its the original chestnut brown colour and is beautifully hand crafted. This was my main Christmas present which I have wanted for a very long time and now to finally have one is a dream come true. Its a perfect fit for all my school essentials at 15". I love it very much and if you're thinking about buying one I advise you to go for a colour that would really suit you as they really go with anything you wear.

Next is my favourite perfume from my favourite designer 'daisy' by Marc Jacobs. I first brought a Marc perfume when I was out in Gibraltar in a cruise. We brought it because I'd always wanted one and out there they are a lot cheaper, and I completely fell in love with 'dot'. so I thought I'd try a different one and its smells so lovely! Well worth the buy.


Another one of my favourites is my 5 seconds of summer t-shirt. I've been a fan for quite a while now and to be able to show that off to the world makes me super proud of the boys! It might not be as expensive but I do love band merch!!

Another favourite of mine is a special little bell brought by my mam. Its wrapped up in a little red, white and green box that is supposed to symbolise the gift from 'The Polar Express'. It is my favourite Christmas film and one of my favourite all time films. Inside the little box is a note from Santa and a little bell. It also has a little sticker in the bottom that says 'believe'. This is supposedly the first gift of Christmas if you've seen the film. If not I advise you watch it. This may not have been very expensive but is a very sentimental gift to me and I love it so much.
And my final favourite Christmas present (besides my cd's) is my Camera! It is a Nikon Coolpix L30. It takes amazing pictures and has an amazing zoom and focus! If you're contemplating getting a camera I strongly recommend this one.

So that was my very late Christmas post but Thankyou for reading and I hope you had a brilliant Christmas wherever you were.

Thankyou for Reading. Have a lovely New year, lots of love

Alice x

These are just some pictures of some other gifts I got. Thankyou for everything.

Friday 2 January 2015

Favourite Albums

                                    Favourite Music

As a music lover I prefer to have the physical albums rather than the downloaded version of them. These are my favourite albums of my collection but I hope to gain more over time.
The albums range in music genre's from pop to alternative to rock. So this is just my opinion on the music I own.


'X' (Multiply)  - By Ed Sheeran:

I am a massive fan of Ed since 'Loose Change' and I'm so proud of how far he's come! Multiply is the number 1 selling album of 2014 in the uk and his music is a true masterpiece. My favourite songs from the album are 'I'm a mess' 'Nina' and 'Tenerife sea'. I 10/10 recommend this album for purchase.

'AM' - By Arctic Monkeys:

The Arctic Monkeys are one of my favourite bands and I love the new album. My grandma recommended them to me as she liked them when they released 'baby I'm yours'. The songs are more of a alternative genre compared to Ed but appeals massively to me. One of my all time favourite songs is on this album 'R U MINE?'.  I rate this album a 9/10 and highly recommend.

'The 1975' - By The 1975:

The 1975 are one out of two of my favourite bands. I fell in love with them when they first released 'chocolate' and have loved them ever since. I own quite a lot of the bands merchandise and love every single member. This album is one of the best in existence in my opinion. It is an alternative genre and includes the singles 'chocolate' and 'sex'. It also includes my favourite ever song 'robbers'. I give this album 10/10 and highly recommend the band and album.

'5 seconds of summer' - By 5 Seconds Of Summer:

5 Seconds Of Summer are another of my favourite bands. I am seeing them live on their 'rock out with your socks out' tour in June 2015. I became a fan back when they were doing the 'Take Me Home' tour with one direction and still am to this day. I love the album which includes the singles 'she looks so perfect', 'don't stop', 'amnesia' and 'good girls'. My favourite songs from the album are '18', 'beside you', 'end up here', and 'long way home' which was co- written with another of my favourites Alex Gaskarth from All Time Low. This album along with their newest released 'livesos',which I own on iTunes, are both brilliant and worth buying. 10/10

'Yours Truly' - By Ariana Grande:

While I am normally not a fan of Ariana, there are a few tracks on this cd which I quite like. I got this album for Christmas 2013. 'The Way' ft. Mac Miller is my favourite from the album along with 'Popular Song' with Mika taken from the musical 'wicked'. Although I like these few songs I am not a very big fan of Ariana because of her voice and style of music, so I only rate this album a 6/10.

'Last Night EP' - By The Vamps:

I have been a very big fan of The Vamps from the beginning with their YouTube covers. Then when 'Can We Dance' we released, they came to Portsmouth with wave 105. It was here I got the chance to meet the boys with some friends. They were so lovely and down to earth and I'm so proud of how far they've come from seeing them do a little show in gunwharf to selling our arena tours in 2014 which I also attended on the 12th of October at Bournemouth international centre. The EP is a really good taster of what the boys music is really like. I rate this 8/10 because there is only 1 original song.

'Bullet in a bible' - By Green Day:

This album is the live version of the Milton Keynes show and also includes the DVD version of the show. It is an amazing album and proves how good the band are live. quite like 'livesos'. It includes songs like 'American Idiot', 'Holiday' and 'Good Riddance (time of your life). I highly recommend this album and all there others. I give this album a 9/10.

I hope you take into consideration my recommendations as I would love more people to listen to my favourite bands. if you have any questions, don't be afraid to contact me:)

Thankyou for reading

Love Alice x

About the author

Hi everyone!

I'm Alice-Mai and I'm 14 years old. I come from a very small town in England that not many people have heard of. There isn't much to do in this town so you kind of have to make your own fun, for me that happens to be blogging and listening to my favourite music. I do have other hobbies such as drawing (which I am no good at) and dancing, which I adore with all my heart but you can only dance in certain places and if I'm not in those places then I must make my own entertainment. Anyway, enough of me babbling on, thank you for taking a look at my blog and if you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask me on my other social networking sites.

Thank you, love from Alice x

Twitter: @aliceemaii
Instagram: @alicemxi
Other Instagram: @al_mxi
Tumblr: itsabxndthing