Tuesday 19 May 2015


Good luck to all those in exam season...

Just wanted to say a massive good luck to all my readers and friends out there doing their GCSE's. I am only year 10 so haven't started mine officially but have done coursework and a few proper exams towards mine. I have a dance exam on the 22nd of June that will be 20% of my GCSE dance course. I'm very nervous for these as I'm sure you all feel the same now! Go into those exam halls and just do the best you possibly can! don't worry if it doesn't go too well as i'm sure they'll be another time that you'll be able to show your full potential. Well done to you all for making it this far. Remember, this is just the start of the rest of your life. I'd love to know what you all want to do for a living in the future and if you have any queries about courses as although I am only year 10, I fully know what I want to do in the future and which college and courses to take. Even if you're not sure which GCSE courses to take I am here to help.

Go in there with your head held high and remember to read the questions properly.

All the love
Al xx

Social Media:
Instagram - @alicemxi or @al_mxi
Twitter - @aliceemaii or @The_Vxmpss
Tumblr - itsabxndthing

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