Sunday 3 May 2015

Sorry i've been inactive...

Just want to apologise..

I'm very sorry to those who actually read this blog although I doubt there's lots of you!:')

I just wanted to let you know why I've been so inactive.

Unfortunately my family has been hit with some very sad news. Our family pet of 12 years has gotten to ill to live comfterbly. Our dog Boomer was sadly put to sleep on the 10th of April 2015. He was a beautiful dog and my best friend. We grew up together. We got him as a rescue puppy when I was just 4 and he was only 2. I still miss him and think about him everyday. Not a day goes by without me hoping he can come back to us just for one more day. Although it was very upsetting to see, I was happy that my little puppy was in no more pain. He just wasn't happy anymore and for us to keep him alive was cruel to him. I will always miss my little pup even if he was a troublesome one. Always causing mayhem! I love him to Pluto and back x1000000.

Forever missing you my overgrown puppy
Rest in peace

Al xxxx

Boomer's memorial plant

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