Friday 2 January 2015

About the author

Hi everyone!

I'm Alice-Mai and I'm 14 years old. I come from a very small town in England that not many people have heard of. There isn't much to do in this town so you kind of have to make your own fun, for me that happens to be blogging and listening to my favourite music. I do have other hobbies such as drawing (which I am no good at) and dancing, which I adore with all my heart but you can only dance in certain places and if I'm not in those places then I must make my own entertainment. Anyway, enough of me babbling on, thank you for taking a look at my blog and if you have any questions then don't hesitate to ask me on my other social networking sites.

Thank you, love from Alice x

Twitter: @aliceemaii
Instagram: @alicemxi
Other Instagram: @al_mxi
Tumblr: itsabxndthing

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